I sometimes stare and I recall places and people I had thought I had forgotten. I see images and videos that remind me of a time where I was once enjoying a life I did not totally appreciate. Remember Super Soakers? This for instance brings back memories of lawns, sunny Sundays, and heated competition. I remember writing chalk in the rain, and I will always remember large, almost obnoxious sunglasses that really hid more of one's face than revealed it. I remember the lake, how dark and entrancing it used to be to simply stare at the bottom, imagining you were simply just a creature in a lake of the free. I guess I really enjoyed the boat rides, the farmer's markets, the smell of the sea, the looking down the stairs (what felt like went on forever) on my tummy, the DQ trips with Dad, and the long talks with Mom. I know without the parents I have, and the places I've seen, and the activities I've tried, it wouldn't be possible without my parents. And I love them. My parents are the greatest influence and the great providers in my life. My Mother is easily the most respected person in my life, and without her to keep me in line, I'd literally be Ted Bundy. My Father, who spent so many hours playing road hockey, who took me water skiing, who drove me wherever I had to play hockey, is the greatest Dad I could ever ask for. And I love him.
I thank my parents and my family for the wonderful memories I have enjoyed in my life. I am so proud of my family.
This picture reminds me of my cottage in the Muskoka's. and the Kee, in Bala, which I visit every year =)
-Tyler Stunna-

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