It's not that I don't see your heart on the floor, its just my HDTV won't display 'love is real' anymore. Why didn't you take me down and lock me up when you had the chance? I forgot, your handcuffs had no key, it was inserted into my heart. The way your teeth shine in the dark, the way your eyes survey, the ticking of hearts are just too far away. I'm so curious, just like you and me in the dark, the way your eyes don't want my heart to start (yeah my heart stops when I'm with you).
I'm so calm and reposed, let us unfold. Bright lights, bright skies, the way you always say goodbye. Like Ace of Base, you're overrated, synthetic and instrumental, and everything you thought you wanted. The flowing of marrow into my bones is a river, one we cannot paddle through. We've paddled far enough, we're on the rocks. My goodness, you're gorgeous in the sun. I'm a pulley, round and round we go, a Ferris Wheel of emotions and great dreams.
We know we are stunning, and like the climax scene of a rattling play, we are the results of the sins of attraction. I know all you want is my reaction, even when you look so beautiful on your knees. You're such a brilliant noir, a paint of a different shade, not of a specific color. You need me more than ever. I own the night, you make the stars twinkle. Well that's what I said when I first pulled you close, wasn't that supposed to be forever? I settle myself. I take a step back, I move like the greatest of beings, nothing can ever come between. I'm for sure, why can't you be this mature?
The way your skin tastes, the way the shadows fall on your face, and the way we'd be perfect in any other space bring us together. Just like the leather backing of my sofa chafes, the way I brush your straight hair from your face, we should no longer deny the greatest thought of all, you were my sweetest downfall.
-Tyler Stunna-

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