Monday, May 11, 2009

The Ropes

She stares out through the pane of glass
It’s hard to see when it’s blurring
Outside the sky is clear, the sun is dying
Her boyfriend is now unknown
He’s got her best friend on the phone
His dirty clothes, or all the names he calls her
The greatest part of him is how they once were
When everything now is about him, things about her don't matter
There's nothing to be said to change that part
Except when he calls her, he resists her heart

It's 11pm on a Friday night, she's dressed to kill
Everything the boys want, the girls will admire
He's going to leave her, retire for the night
He’s got her best friend that’s just right
I smile after she comes over,
She sees me lying next to her awake, eyes half shut
But totally afraid, repenting for what
We both know is going to take place
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Nothing you say can stop her from going home

It's a quarter to six, with words I thought I'd never speak
You pull that sheet close
The light makes our eyes weak
She’s fading, along with her hopes
Hanging on the ropes
He doesn't know anything about her


Jody said...

tyler you are so good at writing. why didn't you tell me you wrote much?

Anonymous said...

shut up. you wrote this?

Kelsey said...

lol youre ridiculous

Holly Michele said...

Really good stuff... made me sad but I feel like I got it.

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