Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Nobody said it was easy

It's such a foggy night and you were way too close to my heart to be this far away.
You know when you've had a long day, and you're walking inside the door of your house and relief washes over you knowing that you're home, you're safe, time to relax? You remember, you kick back your feet, put on the kettle, rummage through the cupboards to put food on the table? A few texts to friends, chatter from the TV, all noise to distract one's self as part of the routine.
You're the same way to me. A delectable, beautiful feeling. Comforting. Perfect routine.

You know what? It's been too long, come home now. I mean it, I really do.
The mind goes into overdrive left unchecked; the long drives home, the subway clacking, cars honking, faint wail of an ambulance, city life. The beginning of the end when snow begins to fall.

Not that I should be afraid, oh no.
Fear is whatever we allow ourselves to be intimidated by. But it is that feeling when you're very alone, about to close your eyes at night, the lonely thoughts creep into our mind that we deny even exist. We buy pets, fancy cars, and shop at stores we can't afford, while we accept more hours at work. All the while we forget what was once most important to us. That feeling of contentment.

And in some way I don't feel it's fair to say that you or I would be content simply because of one person, because in all honesty, that is a great amount now of pressure on that special someone to make you content. It is simply impossible to make somebody happy all the time.
This being said, once you can dig down within yourself, whether it's lying drunk, face up on a stranger's bed after a night at the bar, or sitting alone at a dinner table set for one, being content starts within. Because only then, can the journey set sail with another special person.

Let us think more of how we can be better well rounded individuals, people that genuinely inspire others. Because once we realize our intricate value, and what we can offer to others, only then can we appreciate someone who recognizes these traits and accepts you for them. And loneliness? It fades fast, right?

1 comment:

MelTing said...

Too true, because one person can never complete another.

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