It starts slow and than the bridge begins to build to the chorus, thoughts soaring in my head.
My neck begins to crease, my eyes begin to light up
And I gently turn up the volume of the stereo
I'm struck suddenly; the hairs on my neck stand on end and I feel weak
After all, sometimes it's the strongest memories from such a simple song that
Are caught beneath the landslide of life
You forget about these things and you let it go,
Slide, drain, empty from inside you
But still, there's a faint residue of remembrance of what used to be
Of phone calls at five in the morning
Sleeping in, sending texts you always wanted to save
Thinking of our demise makes me sick, and I think you should know,
No one has ever felt the way I felt about you
It hurts to think,
It's a little impossible to keep on this drive
And worse, I wish I never turned on the radio
Sometimes I wish it was just you and I, summer of 05
Some day you will find me
I know you will find me
After all, you knew me best
And you tried to hold on better than the rest
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