Saturday, June 27, 2009

My life

Malaga, Spain

The faint roar of crashing waves rolling in matches the aura of the fresh, salty air. I lightly tread to the end of the veranda, my brow tightened slightly, my eyes squinting in the bright light of the early dawn. As one other hand pulled my drink closer to my mouth, the other gripped the pen upon which I was to write.
"Commitment is a large undertaking for man, my querito", I began to write. I glanced below and saw the sun in it's full entirety, break through the open sky, a deep lasting fire. Following what it does, everyday, a predictable routine, same old same old. What I'm so afraid of.
I looked up, as I gently allowed my pen to fall from my clenched fingers, and it rushed downwards, loudly landing on the wood boards below. It fell, rushed, out of my grasp, just like you with me, I thought. I stared at the writing instrument, blankly, my mind wandering, sifting through thoughts as murky as swirling storm drains...Where's the storm in our lives? I decided to write later, maybe when the weather is more unpredictable .

7 days Later
Milan, Italy

She pulls me close. Her incredibly dark hair is so... so.. Invigorating, attractive, exotic. The curl of her Italian lips invites my touch, her features desiring mine.
The beautiful shops below have stopped their hustle and flow, and are only a faint murmur in the ever so near distance. Our conversation we've had since we met at the pool has carried on, her lingering voice wavering slightly like smoke in the dusky air. The chair I sit on feels weak, sweaty, as if I could fall through these weaved patterns, ruining this moment.
She smiles, and politely asks me in broken English to step closer. We're on a terrace overlooking a small vineyard of ruby tomatoes and a smattering of olive trees. The air is rich, heavy in heat and feeling. Her cheeks are flushed, a dark rouge, complimenting the fallibility within her eyes. The glowing of the red lantern to our right flickers, once, twice, before it reignites, mimicking my own heart rate. That feeling where the air stops, our faces begin to slant down, and our feet won't touch the ground wash over me. Her tall, beautiful frame is everything I need. Man desires this.
We lean in. But I know this isn't right, isn't what I want, and isn't best for me. I gently pull away and whisper to her 'I'm sorry."
I give pace to a faster step and leave her in disbelief.

14 days Later
Toronto, Canada

I spin. I see her, the real girl for me. I hold her. We fade, casting our cares to the stars, like comets on summer nights. My shivers make me sigh. My sighs make your mouth curl into a smile. Undefinable, perfect, stable. Commitment foreseeable.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Window.

I can't write anymore.

It feels like no matter what I think sounds the same.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Darken your room.

"I'm afraid there's a hole in my brain.
The type where you can see through, expose your soul too.
This is visionary, just like the way I say your feelings out loud, is scary."

As I write these words, a small fragment of inspiration crosses my brain. It's a creasing thought that winds its way down, chilling my innermost thoughts.
For every element that I add to my personality, I develop a new line of thought – I become more aware. From gas, I turn into vapor and from vapor I turn into a solid block of what I want to be. But that’s not inspiration, that’s self-improvement and that’s a human instinct – which is to evolve. This can't be inspiration.

Possibly, I'm so unconsciously aware of my own inspiration, my own efforts, my resolve to dedicate myself to certain tasks or goals. Is it necessary that for my thoughts to be yet so opaque to myself, but so clear to others? Do I allow myself the reasonable amount of proper justification for my own actions? I understand that for an action to occur, there must be an inspiration, a type of thought to take place that instigates my action.

Now, back to my thoughts in my head;

"I said we'll run until the sun burns out
Until our eyes no longer blink,
Who wants to run until the sun burns out
Until the shades are pulled dark
Where the red spots under our eyes lie about the other times
When the weight of your skin is more than the weight you pull with your mouth
Close those blinds, they don't lie
After all, what you can't see, you can't deny
Darken your room, shut me out, consume me."