The streets, the movement of the sun fading away reveals a horizon
So unpredictably amber; its as if God has stroked a magical brush
Through the landscape and tracing the outline of the stars in the sky
The glow of our city, blended with heat make us wish we could fly
The dimming sun is setting and we begin sweating
Relax, relax, let the senses of your reflexes act.
We drive in silence, in pure unattainable lust,
Agony, excitement, this is such a rush
Our fingers intertwined, the streetlights pave our way
The look of desire on your face is all you betray
It's hard to drive straight when I'm in such disarray
The wave of heat fills this space and I let out a smile
I'm keeping this heat trapped, never letting you go
It's so hard to drive when you won't go slow...
I watch the kiss and it turns me on
It makes me feel as though I am helpless and there is nothing else
I pull her down towards me, I stare right through her
When I hold your narrow waist and pull you tight
I wish this was what life was always like
The way your arms feel around my back, relax, relax
Let the senses of your reflexes act.
We sway, so sway, never let this end
The magic, this aggressive passion descend
Pulling us close, swaying like ghosts
I give it all, I won't fade away
I give it all, I won't fade away
I give it all, I won't fade away

Tylerrr youre such a goood writer. write me something on sunday?
Can we sway together? ;)
i saved this entry. sooooo goood.
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